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General notes
Meeting notes
- Meeting with Chuck 2024-01-19
- Search engines like lists
- Launch event
- Joe might have ideas about getting media coverage for the launch event (maybe build a few HopperWiki talks or presentations)
- Zany off-kilter things are fun (top 10 weird facts about locusts)
- WebLog expert
- Rob feedback from 2024-01-10. Make GLI more visible on various pages so reporters get to us faster, float featured person down and geography up.
- Media button on homepage
- rearrange homepage - Splashy cover image and problem statement + move people and SETS down and geography and topics up
Other notes
- Need to streamline casing of common names (Rick votes for "Bird casing")
- From Ari: How to measure grasshopper density and diversity would be a good wiki topic at some point :-) Potentially an undergrad project? It sounds like folks are keen to share their practices and they could be summarized in an article, along with references to published work. It would be interesting to summarize techniques used by APLC, various commissions, etc., in addition to researchers!
- We might want to revisit this Orthoptera data portal page, it has a generic title, and it's not connected to our 'themes' and it seems to have multiple resources on it with note-like text.
- what about academic papers - revisit library idea
- FAO commission pages - started the CCA - USAID grant context
- Can we pull in distribution geography from OSF? Embed GBIF maps?
- display top editors on the home page?
- Come up with plan for overlapping Org and Resource categories and keywords.
- For now we have decided to not have auto-generated pages for categories and keywords to avoid problems (but some will be built manually)
- Pro con of creating our own FAQ's versus linking out to existing?
- Expert content writers
- Expert varified FAQs
- How to set up Most Viewed Pages
- ask FAO or UK colleagues about old FAO photos
Tasks lists
- Fix OSF (and other fields that have too many species)
- Create dynamic template to pull locust alert content to the top of their respective species profile pages.
- Modify Infobox image back-end code so that "marquee image" file names can be curated locally on the wiki (rather than in Airtable)
- Automate italicizing species names in Person bios
- Consolidate Custom_functions and Custom_functions_new
Thing to discuss
- Historical people profiles in a different color
- on this wiki page replace with cargo table - what do do about archives crowding resource tables
- USDA photos
Future ideas / student helpers
- Finding photos for historical people
- How to rear locusts at high density page- co-creation with BPRI TAMU
- SOPs
- page of the difference between locusts, grasshoppers, katydid, and cicadas
- State pages
- Summary for each resource
- CRC resources http://desertlocust-crc.org
- Locust species profile pages - standardize template as needed https://hopperwiki.org/index.php/Species_profile_standard
- Add info from Launch Paper to historical people profiles (would likely need a meeting to discuss first)
- Add content for What is a locust - also from HopperLink post
- Add file names from Wikipedia for all US states -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Mexico#/media/File:New_Mexico_in_United_States.svg other geography code: File:Africa (orthographic projection).svg
- checking out the physical copy of The North American grasshoppers and adding information/citations to species profiles
- Bulletin archives - USDA, FAO Desert locust
- FAO publications on new website
- Locust Pesticide Referee Group - archive reports need to be uploaded to the wiki so they can be included in the resource table
- New locust watch website: https://www.fao.org/locust-watch/en
- Seasonal precipitation reports: https://www.fao.org/locust-watch/information/six-month-precipitation-maps/en
- CIRAD locust website - https://ispi-lit.cirad.fr/index/LocustLit.htm
- Old FAO locust watch website: https://www.fao.org/ag/locusts/en/publicat/docs/index.html everything through Desert Locust Brochures has been archived --> next up EMPRES brochure: Desert Locust component
Status of locust bulletin archives
- CRC website resources completed pages:
- Contingency, Control, Desert Locust Bulletin (skip), DLCO-EA Documents (skip), Early Warning, Forms, Guidelines, Publications, Reports, References, Research, Training Items.
- New locust watch website: https://www.fao.org/locust-watch/en - Complete: Techincal series
- USAID bulletins back to 2014 are logged in AT up to May 2024
- APL situation bulletins: completed from dec 2020 - may 2024 - need to communicate with APLC if we want to go further back
- link species in AirTable to organizations for distribution
- Geography work filling in missing purview geography
Phoenix to-do list
Ideas for Phoenix from Rick
- Determine timing for major and minor species page completion
- Work on "distribution" pages for species profiles
- Translate virtual and physical resources to paraphrased and synthesized information for articles
Ideas for Phoenix from Mira
- Finishing - Create grasshopper anatomy glossary - https://hopperwiki.org/index.php/Grasshopper_anatomy_terms AirTable base: https://airtable.com/appbRI7G7YB9XUatV/tblIHV78U8DaWln78/viwnCJrQa8Ru2jMCW?blocks=hide
- Finishing - Anatomy graphic
- Up next - life cycle of a locust page - https://hopperwiki.org/index.php/Life_cycle_of_a_locust
- starting - archives for CLCPRO - https://www.fao.org/clcpro/ressources/publications/fr/?page=1&ipp=5&tx_dynalist_pi1[par]=YToxOntzOjE6IkwiO3M6MToiMSI7fQ==
- PAUSE - Gather references for White cross grasshopper (Aulocara femoratum)
Endless and ongoing tasks
- Adding resource descriptions https://airtable.com/appbRI7G7YB9XUatV/tblwsmN8BewiO61yl/viwxVdFQ2qVunCGS4?blocks=hide
- Fill in missing headquarter cities and purview countries for org Airtable database
- Fill in missing photos in species Airtable database
- Distribution data input - going down the list of all species and tracking down credible sources for distribution info - adding citations to the manual table or if resources are good and they are not in the resource table currently, adding them and citing them.
- Translate USAID ETOPS this page to Airtable resource database
- Keep uploading ETOP reports to appropriate page https://hopperwiki.org/index.php/USAID_Transboundary_Outbreak_Pest_(ETOP)_bulletin_archives
- AT transfer of Locust Pesticide Referee Group page
- Find photos of stakeholders (add file name to AT and then upload)
- Patch country org images with new Cargo structure
- Fill in species sync to People Airtable database
- Upload ETOPs archives
- Fill in missing data in species Airtable database
- Add screenshot pages of resources to wiki
- Add category "Org logo" to uploaded org logo photos
- Create forward facing pages for species and people data pages
- Replace all "empty" template on species pages with new "incomplete" template
- Add state "Administrative unit" data to resources starting with the ARS fact sheets
- CCA resources https://www.fao.org/locusts-cca/resources/en/ left off on page 10 - up next Report of the 11th meeting of the Pesticide referee Group 2021
- Add all ARS species fact sheets to resource library: https://www.ars.usda.gov/plains-area/sidney-mt/northern-plains-agricultural-research-laboratory/pest-management-research/pmru-docs/grasshoppers-their-biology-identification-and-management/ipm-handbook/grasshopper-species-fact-sheets-scientific-name/
- Adding keywords and species to publications
- add ARS data to distribution in species profiles
- Correct page numbers in COPR citations in the manual distribution table
- Mormon cricket species page
- Resource attribution links
- Search for and add resources (identification guides) specifically on the Mormon cricket
- Update the USAID ETOPS from this year - The documents need to be uploaded on the wiki and in AirTable
- Locust Technical Series https://www.fao.org/ag/locusts/en/publicat/docs/tech/index.html
Sharika to-do list
- Migratory grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes)
- Clear-winged grasshopper (Camnula pellucida)
- CRC resource uploads
- Historical people photos