HopperWiki talk:About
Questions in bold
Answers in plain text
Cargo table topics
1. Adding species to AT organizations: Issue with finding enough details on which species the org works with I did add in species tags here in AT as an example but it is challenging to determining which species an org works with as they are not readily lists in all cases (especially the more you get into secondary and tertiary orgs)
2. Adding org (locust specific) department names and websites to be more useful
3. Logistics for adding org associated resources to AT (if we want to attribute specific resources with an organization as many orgs have multiple resources. We would almost need a whole new table to link to since using a multiple select field doesn't really work for links or pdfs.
Style and grammer
1. Sentence casing
Only capitalize the first word and proper nouns
Clean up all caps and title casing in heading
What if it is a title? e.g. Community Management of Locusts and Grasshoppers in Central Senegal 2. Using shortened sci name instead of English common name throughout the pages? or a mix? E.g. "brown locust" or L. pardalina?
3. Media naming Camel casing on file uploads YES: 5thInstarCancellata NO: 5th_instar_cancellata
Organizing content
1. If you have a resource to add please contact .... ? Should we set up a system for this? An AT form?