Resource navigation
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Locust and grasshopper research is a wide and varied topic. If you are interested in connecting with other researchers please join the Global Locust Network. Our online community has over 200 members from around the world, many of which are researchers and happy to connect about methods, study results, ways to collaborate, and many other topics. Click here to join.
If you are interested in viewing a list of organizations involved in locust and grasshopper research click here. You can click on the organization's name and view more information via their Wiki profile.

Identification guides
This page is an aggregation of all the identification resources hosted on the wiki. You may find it easier to navigate the guides via the if you are looking to identify or manage a specific species.
Information hubs
Information hubs are other websites that host a variety of resources related to locust and grasshopper research and management.
Management videos
Browse videos related to locust management.
View projects related to locust and grasshopper management and research.
Situation bulletins
This page shows a list of resources published by various organizations on the status of outbreaking locust and grasshopper species.
Technical reports
Technical reports are usually non-peer-reviewed documents published by organizations like the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) or United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to document management campaign results, meetings, conferences, training manuals, etc.
Training manuals
Click here to view training manuals on topics like campaign organizing, human and environmental safety guidelines, surveys, forecasting methods, robotic and drone technology, and more.