Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria)

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Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria)
Desert locust
Additional resources
Full taxonomy at OSF

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The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål, 1775), distributed from Mauritania to India is considered the most dangerous of all migratory pests. [1] Because of their extraordinary traits of gregariousness, mobility, voracity, and the sheer size of their swarms, which can reach hundreds of millions of individuals in a single congregation [2], this species has plagued farmers for millennia. The desert locust is known for its highly polyphagous nature, especially during the gregarious phase.[3] This voracious species consumes not only natural vegetation but also a wide variety of food crops. When they swarm, they have the ability to decimate extensive areas of crops, leaving them completely defoliated, while their sheer weight can cause tree branches to break under their relentless onslaught [4]. Today the desert locust impacts over 60 countries. In 2019–2021 a major outbreak caused extensive damage in the Greater Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of southwest Asia. By August 2021, over 2.2 million hectares of land has been treated to control the desert locust and The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) calculates interventions saved USD 1.7 billion in crop and milk production.[5]


Schistocerca gregaria (Forskål, 1775). For full nomenclature, see this taxon's page on Orthoptera Species File


S. gregaria ID page from Pest Grasshoppers and Locusts in Central Senegal

Has a posternal tubercle (a small knob-like protrusion) between front legs. Tegmina (thick front wing of an orthopteran) marked with large irregular spots. Pronotum (saddle-shaped structure behind the head) is not crested, is more condensed and prominent saddle shape in gregarious phase. [6]

Phase Stage Color Body length
Gregarious nymph (1st - 2nd instar) black
Gregarious nymph (3rd to 4th instar) yellow with black
Solitarious nymph green
Gregarious immature adult pink
Gregarious mature adult yellow
Solitarious adult sandy, grey or brown, common light colored median stripe on the pronotum [6]

Identification resources

Name Year published Resource link Descriptive keyword Language Geographic purview Author Year published
A locust officer's field guide 2003 View URL Behavior, Species identification, Outbreaks English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2003
Community management of pest grasshoppers and locusts in Senegal 2020 View URL Management, Species identification, Agriculturist guide Wolof, French, English Senegal Global Locust Initiative, United States Agency for International Development, Directorate of Plant Protection 2020
Desert locust field handbook 2020 View URL Species identification, Management English Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International 2020
FAO desert locust biology and behaviour guidelines 2001 Behavior, Biology, Training manual, Species identification English, French, Arabic, Somali Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
FAO locust handbook identification key View URL Species identification, Locusts English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Locust identification in Niger 2022 View URL Management, Species identification, Agriculturist guide French, Zarma, Hausa Niger 2022
Management of pest grasshoppers and locusts in Mali 2020 View URL Management, Species identification, Agriculturist guide Wolof, French, Fulfuldé, Bambara, Songhaï Senegal Global Locust Initiative, United States Agency for International Development, Directorate of Plant Protection 2020
Nymphal Growth in Schistocerca 2024 View URL Photos, Timelapse, Community development, Biology, Nymphs, Growth, Species identification English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute 2024
Orthoptera Species File View URL Species identification, Biology English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania Orthoptera Species File Online
Pest locusts View URL History, Archive, Species identification French, English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development


Recession zone: 16 million km2 from the Atlantic Ocean to NW India. Invasion zone: 29 million km2 including all of N Africa, parts of the Iberian peninsula, all Middle East countries north to S Russia, most of India, E. Africa as far as 10 degrees S, and central and W Africa south to the equatorial forests. [6]

Swarms bred during the summer often migrate from the Sahel of West Africa and Sudan to Northwest Africa, or from Sudan to the Red Sea coast. Swarms bred in the winter migrate from the Red Sea coastal plains to the interior of Saudi Arabia or Sudan. Spring-bred swarms can migrate from the interior of Arabia to Sudan and West Africa, or from the Horn of Africa to the Indo-Pakistan border.[7]

For more information and distribution records see [GBIF]


Life cycle parameters [8]
Phase Developmental time
Eggs 10-65 days
Hopper 24-95 days (36 days average)
Adult 2.5-5 months
Laying-fledging 40-50 days
Adult maturation 3 weeks-9 months (2-4 months average)
Total 2-6 month
FAO Desert Locust Guidelines Biology and Behaviour 1
  • Exhibits phase polyphenism most sensitive to changes in population density
  • Rapid phase transformation from solitarious to gregarious and vice versa

Habitat and ecology

The desert locust is highly adapted to live in arid environments. Their swarms typically originate in uninhabited desert regions across North Africa, the Middle East, and Southwest Asia. During times of recession, the desert locust lives in the arid and semi-arid habitat stretching from the west coast of Africa to northwest India with an average annual rainfall of roughly 0–400 mm. [9]

Rainfall plays an important role in understanding the population dynamics and behavior of the desert locust. Eggs need to absorb their weight in water from the soil during the first days of incubation to allow complete development. [6] Breeding occurs one month after rainfall of 20-25 mm of rain that supplies the vegetation hoppers need to grow. [6] Sandy soil is preferred for oviposition sites. Although rainfall tends to fall seasonally, it is sporadic, varying as much as 70% above of below average, [9] Outbreak areas arise as a result of rainfall events, subsequent vegetation, and temperature. After a substantial rainfall event somewhere in the recession zone, locusts seize the opportunity and multiply rapidly. Under ideal conditions, locusts can increase 16-20 times every three months after a new generation of breeding. [7] Gregarization can occur as large numbers of locusts concentrate on patches of green vegetation (intensified as moisture drys and vegetation becomes sparse) increasing physical contact and initiating hopper bands or adult swarms that behave as a cohesive unit. If more rains come, populations can explode, producing two or more successive generations. [7] Interestingly, virgin females of this species have the ability to produce female offspring parthenogenetically. [10]

Desert locust hoppers can eat their body weight daily, starting at 20 mg in the first instar to around 1.5 g in the middle of the fifth instar. [6] Migrating immature adults need to eat 2-3 g per day and up to three times as much. Although mature adult consumption declines (less in females), a swarm often has 50 million individuals per square kilometer, translating to a moderate swarm of 10 km2 would eat ~1000 tonnes of vegetation daily on migration.[6]

Land-use / climate change

Climate change and the desert locust FAO information
The anticipated responses of the solitarious ranges of the two desert locust subspecies are expected to differ.[4] The widely recognized northern subspecies (S. gregaria gregaria) may experience contraction in certain regions, whereas the less investigated southern subspecies (S. gregaria flaviventris) is projected to undergo expansion (Meynard et al. 2017). This study underscores that although S. g. flaviventris has infrequently experienced outbreaks in the past, it represents a subspecies that could potentially pose a future threat.[4]

Pest status

Recent outbreaks

desert locust swarm (Schistocerca gregaria)

For millennia, humans have feared desert locusts for their potential to devastate crops. The first records appear in 2420 BC on Egyptian tombs. [11] They continue to be a major threat to agriculture, although the frequency and duration of plagues have decreased due to the introduction of chemical pesticides, advancements in transportation and infrastructure, and technology related to communications, geopositioning, spatial analysis, remote sensing, and early warning, all components of preventative control. [12] [7]

Five major plagues occurred in the first 60 years of the twentieth century, lasting as long as fourteen years. [7] 1861–67, 1869–81, 1889–1910, 1912–19, 1926–34, 1940–48, 1949–63, 1967–1968 , 1978[6], and 1986–1989. A plague is defined as a period of one or more years of widespread and heavy infestations, predominately as hopper bands and swarms. A severe plague is when two or more regions are affected simultaneously. [7]

Upsurges in 1972–1974, 1987–1989, 1992–1994, 1994–1996, 1996–1998, 2004–2005, and 2019–2021)

An upsurge is defined as a large increase in locust numbers and simultaneous outbreaks followed by two or more successive generations of gregarious breeding. [7]

Outbreaks 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018

2003–2005 Plague
Cost over $500 million USD to control [13] 80–100% crop losses in regions like Sub- Saharan Africa. [2]

An outbreak is an increase in locusts on a local scale caused by concurrent concentration, multiplication, and gregarization [14]

desert locust swarm (Schistocerca gregaria)

2019–2021 upsurge

For some countries in the Greater Horn of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and parts of southwest Asia, the 2019-2021 desert locust upsurge was the worst seen in seventy years, affecting 2.5 million people in 2020 and at least another 1 million in early 2021.[15] The situation spread to eight African countries, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania. India and Pakistan were impacted as well as the Middle Eastern countries of Omen, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar.[16]

Click here for a full page on this outbreak

Two cyclones in 2018, May Cyclone Mekunu and October Cyclone Luban brought heavy rains to the Empty Quarter on the Arabian Peninsula. These unusually conducive weather conditions allowed at least three generations of locust breeding that went undetected and developed into the 2019-2021 upsurge. Swarms moved into Saudi Arabia, southern Iran, and southwest to the interior of Yemen from January to March 2019. In June, two generations of spring breeding spread to the Horn of Africa and to the Indo-Pakistan border. Heavy monsoon rains encouraged three more generations in the Indo-Pakistan area while two generations proliferated in the northern Horn of Africa. At the end of 2019, Cyclone Pawan in northeast Somalia brought rain to sustain two more generations of breeding that moved into Kenya. [16]

In 2020, locusts spread within the Horn of Africa and into East Africa, reaching southern Kenya and northern Tanzania, northeast Uganda, southeast South Sudan, and northeast D.R. Congo. Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia were the most severely impacted. Aerial and ground control operations continued against widespread swarm laying, hatchlings, and numerous hopper bands throughout northern and central Kenya and southern Ethiopia.[16]

New swarms formed in northern Somalia and Kenya. Several swarms were present in Yemen and some moved into Saudi Arabia. In February 2020, swarms appeared in Iraq, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and 22 swarms arrived in southern Iran, where locusts quickly matured and laid eggs. Residual summer-bred swarms were present in Rajasthan, India, and laid eggs in areas of Punjab, Pakistan.[16]

During the dry season in East Africa, desert locust swarms remained immature for several months longer than usual. Infestations declined by mid-March due to control operations, the absence of rains and further maturing in Ethiopia and Kenya. The same swarm was reported six times in Kenya, giving the false impression of greater swarm activity. However, new immature swarms were forming in NW and NE Somalia and persisted for several months until sufficient rain came in later April allowing maturation. [17] Mature swarms moved north into eastern Ethiopia and adjacent areas of NW Somalia. There was widespread hatching and bands in Saudi Arabia's interior. Mature adult groups of locusts and small swarms rode a strong southerly wind from Saudi Arabia to Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Egypt. [18] By June 2021, there was an increasing number of immature swarms mostly in NW Somalia but also eastern Ethiopia, SE Djibouti. Breeding ceaseed in N Saudi Arabia and immature groups move south. [19] Conflict in Ethiopia prevented management operations and by October a few small mature groups and swarms from N Ethiopia move to Eritrea coast and lay eggs.[20] Control activities continued in NE Somalia and a few small spring-bred swarms from NE Somalia arrived on the Ethiopia/Kenya border. By December, few swarms remained and poor winter breeding along the Red Sea helped the situation calm down.[20] The upsurge in the Horn of Africa was officially declared over in February 2022 and officially on March 2, 2022 in the Desert Locust Bulletin.

The FAO and its partners raised more than 243 million USD to mobilize control efforts, from surveillance to rapid support for countries scrambling to put together response systems. [21] Aerial operations treated desert locusts across 2.3 million ha in the Horn of Africa and Yemen since January 2020. FAO reports these efforts averted 4.5 million metric tonnes of crop losses, saved 900 million liters of milk production, and secured food for nearly 42 million people. [22] The commercial value of the cereal and milk loss averted is estimated at USD 1.8 billion. [22] However, the complex interplay of tradeoffs that accompany the widespread use of organophosphates and pyrethroid pesticides is understudied and could be felt for years to come. Among the affected countries, Somalia was alone in exclusively using biopesticides and insect growth regulators (IGRs), which are slower-acting and much less harmful to non-target organisms and human health than synthetic pesticides. [23] See biopesticides page.

FAO Locust Watch has current situation bulletins and a timeline of the 2019-2021 outbreak.

Read about insecticide use against desert locust in the Horn of Africa 2019–2021 and the pressing need for change

Outbreak media coverage 2020–2021

View archives of media collected during the 2020-2021 outbreak here

Name Year published Resource link Descriptive keyword Language Geographic purview Author Year published
'Many will starve': locusts devour crops and livelihoods in Pakistan 2020 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks English Pakistan The Guardian 2020
‘Like an Umbrella Had Covered the Sky’: Locust Swarms Despoil Kenya 2020 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks English Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia The New York Times 2020
‘Make noise and don’t panic’: India tries to ward off locust invasion 2020 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks English India The Guardian 2020
A locust plague hit East Africa 2021 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks English Eastern Africa National Geographic 2021
Africa Braces for a Record Wave of Locusts 2020 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks English Eastern Africa Wall Street Journal 2020
Artificial Intelligence Helping African Farmers in the Fight Against Locusts 2021 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks English Kenya Farmers Review Africa 2021
As Locusts Swarmed East Africa, This Tech Helped Squash Them 2021 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks English Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia The New York Times 2021
Biblical plague or manageable threat? 2021 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks English Kenya The Telegraph 2021
Billions of locusts are descending on Ethiopia 2020 View URL Video, General locust education, Media article, Locust outbreaks English Ethiopia Washington Post 2020
Climate change favours locust swarms, India increasingly at risk 2020 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Agriculture, Crop health, Food security, Governance, Aerial control operations, Chemical control, Pesticides, Management, Integrated pest management, Spraying, Forecasting, Early warning, Advisory note, Ecology, Biology, Economics, Morphology, Behavior, Rainfall, Weather, Climate change, Monitoring
English India Mongabay-India 2020
Crunch, Crunch: Africa's Locust Outbreak Is Far From Over View URL Media article, Locusts, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Infestations, Crop health, Rangeland management, Livestock, Grazing, Livelihoods, Food security, Migration, Economics, Climate change, Weather English Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia US News & World Report
Desert Locust ‘re-invasion’ threatens millions across Horn of Africa 2020 View URL
Newsletter, Media article, Agriculture, Crop health, Food security, Livelihoods, Emergency response, Locusts, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Infestations, Management, Grazing, Decision making, Economics, Press release
English Eastern Africa United Nations 2020
Desert locust booklet Advice, Locust outbreaks, Agriculture, Public health English Africa, Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Desert locust brochures Brochure English Africa, Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
East Africa fears second wave - of locust swarms 2020 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Early warning, Forecasting, Crop health, Agriculture, Management, Grazing, Livestock, Livelihoods, Food security, Monitoring, Pesticides, Chemical control, Aerial control operations, Spraying, Rainfall, Weather
English Eastern Africa BBC News 2020
East Africa’s plague of locusts and the bizarre climate science behind it 2020 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Climate change, Weather, Rainfall, Agriculture, Crop health, Food security English Eastern Africa National Geographic 2020
Emergency Locust Response Program Phase 3 The World Bank Group 2021 View URL Media article English Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Yemen, South Sudan World Bank, Intergovernmental Authority on Development 2021
Ethiopia used chemicals to kill locusts 2023 View URL Pesticides, Honeybees, Outbreaks English Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya Mongabay, Malavika Vyawahare 2023
FAO and government of Somalia open permanent desert locust monitoring centre 2021 View URL Media article, Management English Somalia Prevention Web 2021
Fighting a locust plague amid Covid-19 in east Africa 2020 View URL Video, General locust education English Eastern Africa The Guardian 2020
Fighting Back Against 2020's Massive Locust Swarms 2020 View URL General locust education, Video English Africa, Asia Curiosity Stream 2020
First floods, then desert locusts 2021 View URL Newsletter, Agriculture, Crop health, Infestations, Food security, Press release, Media article, Management, Locusts, Locust outbreaks, Livelihoods, Emergency response, Community development, Advocacy English Somalia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2021
From plague to promise 2021 View URL Edible insects, Outbreaks English Kenya Grist 2021
How a single locust becomes a plague View URL
Media article, Education, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Infographic, Migration, Physiology, Morphology, Behavior, Crop health, Agriculture, Economics, Food security, Livelihoods, Rainfall, Weather, Climate change, Early warning, Monitoring, Chemical control, Pesticides, Aerial control operations, Biopesticide, Biological control, Management, Integrated pest management
English Eastern Africa BBC News
How a UN-led fight against locusts took a toxic toll on Kenyan farmers 2023 View URL Locust outbreaks, Pesticides, Biopesticide, Emergency response English Kenya Grist 2023
How do you fight a locust invasion amid coronavirus? 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Food security, Crop health, Agriculture, Economics, Governance, Pesticides, Chemical control, Aerial control operations, PPE and cleaning, Rainfall, Climate change, Biopesticide, Spraying
English Eastern Africa BBC News 2020
How Kenya’s farmers are trying to outsmart locusts and climate change 2021 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Food security, Crop health, Agriculture, Climate change, Management English Kenya The Independent 2021
How war threatens Ethiopia's struggle against worst locust swarm in 25 years 2020 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Agriculture, Crop health, Food security, Mechanical control, Rainfall, Economics, Emergency alerts, Governance, Aerial control operations, Pesticides, Chemical control, Management, Pesticide management, Livelihoods, Collective movement
English Ethiopia The Guardian 2020
Huge swarm of locusts brings traffic to a standstill in Bahrain after spreading across Saudi Arabia because of strong winds 2020 View URL Locust outbreaks English Bahrain Daily Mail 2020
Hundreds of billions of locusts swarm in East Africa 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Crop health, Agriculture, Food security, Governance, Emergency response, Economics, Spraying, Aerial control operations, Chemical control, Monitoring, Biological control
English Eastern Africa BBC News 2020
In Kenya, lessons from 2020 prepare responders for a locust re-invasion 2021 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Crop health, Agriculture, Livelihoods, Livestock, Grazing, Governance, Management, Chemical control, Pesticides, Spraying, Monitoring, Collective movement, Community development, Aerial control operations, Economics
English Kenya Devex 2021
India combats locust attack amid Covid-19 pandemic 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Agriculture, Crop health, Emergency response, Governance, Management, Integrated pest management, Collective movement, Migration, Mechanical control, Early warning, Food security, Economics, Aerial control operations, Chemical control, Spraying, Pesticides, PPE and cleaning
English India BBC News 2020
Intensive control operations reduced locust threat in India, Pak, says FAO 2020 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Management, Governance, Chemical control, Pesticides, Pesticide management, Early warning, Spraying, Aerial control operations, Community development, Robotics, Drones, Technology
English India, Pakistan Hindustan Times 2020
Kenya Beats Back Fresh Wave of Desert Locust Invasions 2021 View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Management English Kenya Bloomberg News 2021
Kenya uses app in battle against desert locusts View URL Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Agriculture, Crop health, Economics, Monitoring, Early warning, eLocust, Pesticides, Chemical control, Rainfall, Migration English Kenya Business Insider
Kenya: A sustainable solution to locust swarms? 2021 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Food security, Livelihoods, Crop health, Agriculture, Livestock, Mechanical control, Edible insects, Management, Integrated pest management, Community development, Collective movement
English Kenya BBC News 2021
Kenya's farmers struggle as locusts descend 2021 View URL Mechanical control, Locust outbreaks English Kenya Deutsche Welle 2021
Kenya's Locust Outbreak May Be Nearing End as Spring Rains Are Delayed View URL Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations English Kenya The Weather Channel
Kenya's pastoralists face hunger and conflict as locust plague continues 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Crop health, Agriculture, Rainfall, Weather, Grazing, Livestock, Food security, Economics, Emergency response, Collective movement, Pesticides, Chemical control, Biodiversity, Spraying, Monitoring
English Kenya The Guardian 2020
Locust Invasion 2020 View URL General locust education, Video English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania Go Wild 2020
Locust Swarms as Big as Cities are Causing a Crisis in Africa 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Crop health, Agriculture, Livelihoods, Livestock, Grazing, Food security, Early warning, Forecasting, Economics, Collective movement, Climate change, Rainfall, Management, Integrated pest management, Edible insects, Chemical control, Mechanical control
English Africa Newsweek 2020
Locust swarms pose new threat to Middle East and Africa’s food security 2021 View URL Media article, Food security, Crop health, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Rainfall, Climate change, Outbreaks, Infestations, Livelihoods, Weather, Agriculture, Monitoring English Eastern Africa Arab News 2021
Locust Swarms Ravaging East Africa Are the Size of Cities 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Mechanical control, Crop health, Agriculture, Food security, Rainfall, Forecasting, Monitoring, Climate change, Amazing footage, Video, Weather, Economics, Livelihoods, Livestock, Grazing, Morphology, Behavior, Spraying, Pesticides, Emergency response
English Eastern Africa Bloomberg News 2020
Locust Swarms Threaten Parts Of East Africa 2021 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Crop health, Agriculture, Monitoring, Pesticides, Aerial control operations, Chemical control, Management, Rainfall, Weather, Climate change, Food security, Livelihoods, Migration, Biological control, Economics
English Eastern Africa National Public Radio 2021
Locust swarms: How can they be warded off? View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Governance, Emergency response, eLocust, Spraying, Chemical control, Pesticides, Pesticide management, Monitoring, Survey, Earth observation, Agriculture, Crop health, Public health, Environmental assessment, Biological control, Behavior, Climate change
English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania Down to Earth
Locusts Are A Plague Of Biblical Scope In 2020. Why? And ... What Are They Exactly? 2020 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Food security, Agriculture, Crop health, Forecasting, General locust education, Ecology, Morphology, Behavior, Biology, Migration, Rainfall, Weather, Climate change, Livelihoods, Livestock
English Southern Asia National Public Radio 2020
Locusts: A close-up look at the swarms devouring the world's crops - BBC News View URL
Media article, Infographic, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Agriculture, Crop health, Food security, Livelihoods, Rainfall, Forecasting, Biology, Ecology, Morphology, Behavior, Migration, Distribution, Climate change
English Eastern Africa BBC News
Mega Disasters: Super Swarms of Locusts 2021 View URL General locust education, Video English United States of America History Channel 2021
New Generation of Desert Locusts Breeding in Horn of Africa 2020 View URL Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Forecasting English Ethiopia, Somalia Bloomberg News 2020
New USAID Award to Combat Desert Locusts 2020 View URL Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Infestations, Locusts, Governance, Emergency response, Monitoring, Agriculture, Crop health, Economics, Food security English Uganda U.S. Embassy in Uganda 2020
Pakistan turns locusts into chicken feed to tackle the invasion 2020 View URL Mechanical control, Locust outbreaks English Pakistan Aljazeera 2020
Regional meeting to discuss the potential risk preparedness for the desert locust winter breeding season in the near east 2015 View URL Early warning, Collective movement, Governance, Summary Arabic, English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2015
Second wave of locusts in east Africa said to be 20 times worse 2020 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Food security, Livelihoods, Agriculture, Crop health, Rainfall, Pesticides, Management, Chemical control, Aerial control operations, Livestock, Governance, Emergency response
English Eastern Africa The Guardian 2020
See how a plague of locusts forms View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Education, Infographic, General locust education, Biology, Morphology, Ecology, Behavior, Physiology, Evolution, Mating behavior, Migration, Distribution, Early warning, Forecasting, Chemical control, Pesticides, Weather
English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania National Geographic
Signs of hope in East Africa, as control campaign tames locust upsurge 2021 View URL Locust outbreaks English Eastern Africa Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2021
Stopping swarming locusts 2020 View URL
Media article, Video, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Agriculture, Crop health, Management, Pesticide management, Chemical control, Biological control, Ecology, Behavior, Food security, Livelihoods, Biology
English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania The Naked Scientists 2020
Swarm Of Locusts DEVOUR Everything In Their Path 2017 View URL General locust education, Video, Amazing footage English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania BBC News 2017
Swarms of locusts invade Bahrain 2020 View URL Locust outbreaks English Bahrain The Daily Tribune News of Bahrain 2020
Targeting Breeding Sites May Avoid Further Locust Infestations in Africa 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Forecasting, Early warning, Monitoring, Modeling, Crop health, Grazing, Livestock, Agriculture, Economics, Ecology, Pesticides, Biopesticide, Chemical control, Management, Pesticide management, Environmental assessment, Behavior
English Eastern Africa Science Times 2020
Teaming up to defend against locusts 2020 View URL
Newsletter, Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Integrated pest management, Food security, Crop health, Livelihoods, Emergency response, Collective movement, Community development, Chemical control, Management, Pesticide management, Pesticides, Public health, Spraying, Biopesticide
English Western Africa OCHA Services Relief Web 2020
The Biblical locust plagues of 2020 View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Crop health, Agriculture, Food security, Behavior, Ecology, Biology, Migration, Economics, Weather, Management, Integrated pest management, Mechanical control, Chemical control, Pesticides, Pesticide management, Livelihoods, Governance, Aerial control operations, Biopesticide, Biological control, Forecasting, Robotics, Drones, Technology
English Eastern Africa BBC News
The double burden of COVID-19 and locusts in East Africa View URL Emergency appeal English South Sudan International Rescue Committee
The Terrifying Science Behind the Locust Plagues of Africa View URL
Media article, Outbreaks, Locust outbreaks, Infestations, Locusts, Crop health, Agriculture, Food security, Rainfall, Climate change, Emergency response, Behavior, Biology, Migration, Morphology, Ecology, Evolution, Physiology, Management, Monitoring, Early warning, Pesticides, Chemical control, Aerial control operations, Biological control
English Eastern Africa Wired
The World Bank Group and the Locust Crisis 2020 View URL Media article English Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda World Bank 2020
These Swarming Locusts Are Grasshoppers Gone Wrong 2021 View URL Video, Biology, Nutritional ecology, Locust outbreaks, General locust education English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania KQED - PBS Deep Look 2021
This Kenyan Startup Is Turning Locust Swarms into Animal Feed 2021 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Management, Weather, Climate change, Livestock, Grazing, Edible insects, Crop health, Mechanical control, Livelihoods, Integrated pest management, Agriculture, Community development
English Kenya Freethink 2021
To Fight Locusts, Historic Rivals India and Pakistan Team Up 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Collective movement, Crop health, Agriculture, Food security, Economics, Migration, Climate change, Rainfall, Weather, Governance, Community development, Pesticide management, Management, Chemical control, Spraying, Pesticides
English India Undark Magazine 2020
To Track Massive Locust Swarms, Officials Use Tool that Forecasts Smoke Plumes View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Outbreaks, Infestations, Management, Rainfall, Weather, Climate change, Food security, Livelihoods, Migration, Agriculture, Crop health, Monitoring, Spraying, Pesticide management, Pesticides, Chemical control, Meteorology, Modeling, Behavior, Technology, Early warning, Forecasting
English Africa Scientific American
Twelve fold increase in Ethiopia COVID-19 cases, severe weather and locusts creating massive need in Ethiopia, warns IRC View URL Media article, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Rainfall, Crop health, Food security, Livelihoods, Agriculture, Collective movement, Management, Governance, Economics English Ethiopia International Rescue Committee
UN releases Sh164m for fight on locust upsurge 2021 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Management, Chemical control, Pesticides, Aerial control operations, Pesticide management, Monitoring, Spraying, Governance, Collective movement, Agriculture, Crop health, Livelihoods, Food security, Economics
English Kenya Nation 2021
What’s Up With Those Locust Swarms? View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Education, General locust education, Grasshoppers, Behavior, Morphology, Agriculture, Ecology, Environmental science, Neurobiology, Migration, Rainfall, Climate change, Crop health, Economics, Biology, Pesticides, Chemical control, Spraying, Public health, Early warning, eLocust, Biological control
English Eastern Africa Forbes
When locust swarms are treated as a chance for profit View URL English Kenya BBC News
Why today's biblical locust swarms can't be stopped 2020 View URL
Media article, Locust outbreaks, Outbreaks, Locusts, Infestations, Agriculture, Mechanical control, Chemical control, Management, Pesticides, Forecasting, Monitoring, Migration, Pesticide management, Public health, Crop health, Food security, Behavior, Rainfall, Climate change
English Africa, Asia Mashable 2020
World Bank Announces $500 Million to Fight Locusts 2020 View URL Media article English Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda World Bank 2020

Associated organizations

Organization name Acronym Website Type Focus Focus keywords Geographic purview
Behavioral Plasticity Research Institute BPRI View URL Other Research, Education Phenotypic plasticity, Phase polyphenism Texas, Arizona, Missouri, Illinois
Center for the Advanced Study of Collective Behavior View URL University Research Natural sciences
Center of Excellence in Biodiversity and Natural Resource Management CoEB View URL University Agricultural development, Community development, Research, Sustainable development, Technology, Training
Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region CRC View URL Intergovernmental Organization Management, Governance, Education, Information Hub Training, Regional cooperation, Monitoring, Control, Forecasting, Natural sciences
Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa DLCO EA View URL Intergovernmental Organization Education, Governance, Management, Research Training, Regional cooperation, Monitoring, Control, Coordination
Directorate General for Plant Protection DGPV View URL Government Research, Management Control, Training, Monitoring, Pesticides, Natural sciences
Falconsult View URL Private Sector Management, Development Control, Monitoring, Sustainable development
FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in Northwest Africa CLCPANO View URL Intergovernmental Organization Governance, Education, Management, Research Training, Regional cooperation, Monitoring, Control, Natural sciences
FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in South-West Asia SWAC View URL Intergovernmental Organization Information Hub, Education, Governance Training, Monitoring, Control, Regional cooperation, Natural sciences
FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region CLCPRO View URL Intergovernmental Organization Governance, Research, Management Training, Regional cooperation, Monitoring, Control, Natural sciences
FAO Desert Locust Control Committee DLCC View URL Intergovernmental Organization Development, Management, Governance Agricultural development, Community development, Control, International development, Regional cooperation, Sustainable development, Training, Natural sciences
FAO Desert Locust Information Service DLIS View URL Intergovernmental Organization Development, Management, Education, Governance, Information Hub, Funding Agricultural development, Community development, Control, Coordination, Emergency assistance, Forecasting, International development, Media, Monitoring, Policy, Regional cooperation, Sustainable development, Technology, Training, Early warning, Natural sciences
FAO Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases EMPRES View URL Intergovernmental Organization Management, Governance, Research Monitoring, Control, Training, Regional cooperation, Natural sciences
FAO Locusts and Transboundary Plant Pests and Diseases NSPMD View URL Intergovernmental Organization Development Agricultural development, Community development
FAO Plant Production and Protection Division NSP View URL Intergovernmental Organization Information Hub Agricultural development, Community development, Emergency assistance, Forecasting, Regional cooperation, Sustainable development, Training, Natural sciences
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific APPPC View URL Intergovernmental Organization Information Hub, Governance, Education Training, Regional cooperation, Policy
Global Locust Initiative GLI View URL University Research, Education, Information Hub Sustainable development, Ecology, Nutrition, Social science, Natural sciences, Agriculture, Agroecology, Biology, Behavior, Biological control, Climate change, Education, Sustainability science, Geometric framework, Grazing, Governance, Food security, Arts and humanities, Land use management, Landscape ecology, Locusts, Migration, Phase polyphenism, Phenotypic plasticity, Soil science Arizona
Higher Institute of Agronomic Sciences of Chott Mariem View URL University, Government Agricultural development, Control, Education
IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre ICPAC View URL Intergovernmental Organization Development, Management, Research Forecasting, Agricultural development, International development, Early warning, Natural sciences
India Locust Warning Organization LWO View URL Government Management, Information Hub, Research Monitoring, Control, Forecasting, Training, Natural sciences
Intergovernmental Authority on Development IGAD View URL Intergovernmental Organization Development, Management, Research Forecasting, Agricultural development, International development, Natural sciences
International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology ICIPE View URL Non-profit Organization Research, Education Sustainable development, Training, Natural sciences
KUZI View URL Private Sector Management Forecasting, Monitoring, Technology
Le Centre National de Lutte Antiacridienne CNLA View URL Government Research, Management, Governance Monitoring, Control, Coordination, Forecasting, Natural sciences
Ministry of Agriculture Sudan View URL Government Agricultural development
Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of the Republic of Uganda View URL Government Governance, Management Management
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources of Oman View URL Government Management Survey, Monitoring, Management, Control
Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Fishery, Livestock and Marine Resources MAEPE-RH View URL Government Governance, Management Management, Forecasting, Monitoring, Control
National Center for the Prevention and Control of Plant Pests and Animal Diseases “Waqaa” View URL Government Management
National Desert Locust Control Center CNLCP View URL Government Research, Management, Development, Governance Coordination, Monitoring, Control, Agricultural development, Forecasting, Policy, Regional cooperation, Sustainable development, Technology, Training
Sahel Institute INSAH View URL Intergovernmental Organization, University Development, Governance, Research, Management, Information Hub Agricultural development, Coordination, International development, Policy, Regional cooperation, Training, Natural sciences
Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur View URL University Education, Research Natural sciences
The Bug Picture View URL Private Sector Development, Management Edible Insects, Agricultural development, Sustainable development
The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development CIRAD View URL Government Education, Development, Research, Management Forecasting, International development, Training, Agricultural development, Sustainable development, Natural sciences, Modeling, Monitoring, Research, Control, Community development
The Song Laboratory of Insect Systematics and Evolution View URL University Research Natural sciences Texas
The South African National Biodiversity Institute SANBI View URL Government Research, Education, Governance Biodiversity View URL Private Sector Other Meteorology, Forecasting, Technology, Early warning
United Nations AGRHYMET Regional Center AGRHYMET View URL Other Development, Education Training, International development
University of Agriculture Faisalabad Pakistan UAFP View URL University Research Fungi


Resource category Link
Information hubs View here
Guides View here
Technical reports View here
Situation bulletins View here
Projects View here

Name Year published Resource link Descriptive keyword Language Geographic purview Author Year published
10th EMPRES liaison officers meeting 2002 View URL Environmental assessment, Social science, Locusts, International development, Early warning, Forecasting English Saudi Arabia Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2002
11th EMPRES liaison officers meeting 2003 View URL Sustainability science, Locusts, Database English Djibouti Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2003
12th EMPRES liaison officers meeting 2004 View URL Management, Outbreaks, eLocust English Egypt Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region 2004
14th EMPRES liaison officers meeting 2006 View URL Locust outbreaks, Management, Survey English Oman Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2006
2014 evaluation of field trials data on the efficacy and selectivity of insecticides on locusts and grasshoppers 2014 View URL Pesticides, Management, Pesticide management, Chemical control English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2014
2020 Appeal to the international community 2020 View URL Appeal, Aid, Emergency response English Djibouti Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Ministry of Agriculture, Water, Fishery, Livestock and Marine Resources 2020
2021 evaluation of field trials data on the efficacy and selectivity of insecticides on locusts and grasshoppers 2021 View URL Report, Pesticides, Pesticide management, Management, Monitoring, Public health English Africa, Europe, Asia, Americas, Oceania Locust Pesticide Referee Group, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2021
2nd regional workshop on the implementation of environmental & health standards in desert locust control operations in the central region (EHS‐CR) 2014 View URL Workshop, Early warning, Environmental assessment English Egypt Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2014
3rd meeting of EMPRES liaison officers 1996 View URL Remote sensing, Economics, Spraying, Survey, Rainfall, Management, Monitoring English Yemen Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1996
4th meeting of EMPRES liaison officers 1996 View URL Survey, Remote sensing, Map, Aerial control operations English Eritrea Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1996
7th EMPRES liaison officers meeting 1999 View URL Survey, Locust outbreaks, Ecology, Early warning, Management English Yemen Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1999
8th EMPRES liaison officers meeting 2000 View URL Survey, Workshop English Oman Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2000
9th EMPRES liaison officers meeting 2001 View URL Distribution, Survey, Spraying, Monitoring, Environmental assessment English Sudan Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
A celebration of 50 years of service 2019 View URL Management, Archive, Decision making, Education English Egypt Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2019
A method for detection of desert locust, schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) and estimation of infested areas 2006 View URL Survey, Locusts, Management, Infestations, Remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS), Aerial control operations English Sudan Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2006
A report on the joint survey work on the Sudanese-Egyptian border for the winter season 2009 View URL Early warning Arabic Egypt, Sudan Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2009
A scoping paper on the ongoing desert locust crisis 2019-2021+ 2022 View URL Management English Asia, Africa Think Tank for Sustainability 2022
Ad hoc meeting 2004 View URL Early warning, Map, Management, Collective movement English Sudan Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2004
Ad hoc meeting of experts from CLCPRO member countries to assess the locust situation in Mauritania 2010 View URL Meeting French Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region 2010
Agreement for the establishment of a commission for controlling the desert locust in the central region 2005 View URL Collective movement, Decision making, Emergency response English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2005
Annual report 1997 1997 View URL Early warning, Survey, GPS, Locusts, RAMSES, Management English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1997
Annual report 1998 1998 View URL Early warning, Survey, Database, Locust outbreaks, Biological control English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1998
Application of Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing in estimating the likely breeding and infested areas of the desert locust 2011 View URL Infestations, Geographic Information System (GIS) English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2011
Assessment of desert locust outbreaks in Sudan using GIS and remote sensing technologies 2011 View URL Locust outbreaks, Biology, Remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS) English Sudan Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region 2011
Assessment of the socio-economic impact of desert locusts and their control 2002 View URL Management, Economics, Social science English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2002
Atlas of desert locust breeding habitats 1997 View URL Breeding zones, Habitat, Map, Distribution, Biology, Ecology, Behavior, Phase polyphenism English Ethiopia, Senegal, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali, Egypt, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, George Basil Popov, G.B. Popov 1997
Barrier treatment as a means of controlling migratory locusts 2004 View URL Chemical control, Application, Ecology, Nutrition English Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region 2004
Behind the success of desert locust control 2022 View URL Newsletter, Outbreaks, Management English Eritrea Ministry of Agriculture State of Eritrea 2022
Building national capacity 2019 View URL Education, Management, International development, Collective movement, Overview English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2019
CABI Green Muscle education videos 2021 View URL Video, Biological control, Biopesticide, Metarhizium acridum, Storage, Dosage, Application, PPE and cleaning Arabic, French, Russian, English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International 2021
Chemical ecology of locusts and related acridids 2005 View URL Biology, Locusts, Behavior, Mating behavior, Insect behavior, Morphology, Grasshoppers English Sudan Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region 2005
CLCPRO Executive Committee Meeting Report Apr 1992 1992 View URL Meeting French Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region 1992
CLCPRO Executive Committee Meeting Report Feb 1991 1991 View URL Meeting French Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Western Region 1991
Climate Change and Desert Locust 2014 View URL Climate change, eLocust, RAMSES, SWARMS, DeLCoPA English Northern Africa, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2014
Climate change and food security in West Africa and North Africa 2013 View URL Climate change, Chapter excerpt English Northern Africa, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2013
Climate change and locusts Pakistan 2020 View URL Climate change English Pakistan Sustainable Development Policy Institute 2020
Comparative study on the efficiency of available survey methods of adult and hopper populations of desert locust 2000 View URL Survey, Locusts English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2000
Contingency planning seminar 2002 View URL Workshop, Chemical control, Emergency response, Early warning English Egypt Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2002
Country contingency plans for desert locust plague control campaigns 2004 View URL Aerial control operations, Spraying, Chemical control, Behavior, Pesticides, Early warning, Management English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2004
CRC regional workshop on environmental & health standards (EHS) 2016 View URL Workshop, Environmental assessment, Environmental science, Biology English Egypt Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2016
Crop prospects and food situation 2020 View URL Outbreaks, Food security English Northern America, Latin America and the Caribbean Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2020
Decisions and risks View URL Decision making, Survey, Locusts English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Desert locust and remote sensing manual to visualize and analyze SPOT4-VEGETATION images View URL Database, Early warning English Italy Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Desert locust component 2005 View URL Management, Biological control, Pesticides English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2005
Desert locust control in Somalia between 2019 and 2021 2022 View URL Biopesticide English Somalia 2022
Desert locust early warning system infographic View URL Early warning, Infographic English Africa, Asia FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Desert Locust Forecasting: Art or Science? View URL Video, Presentation, Early warning English Africa, Asia FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Desert locust information View URL Locusts, Data analysis, Management, Forecasting English Africa, Asia Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Desert locust invasion responding to a crisis within a crisis 2020 View URL Presentation, Outbreaks, Emergency response English Yemen, Eritrea, Sudan, South Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda World Bank 2020
Desert Locust Master Trainer Manual View URL Locusts, Management, Training manual English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Desert Locust Monitoring and Loss Assessment in Yemen View URL Forecasting English Yemen Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Zoology
Desert locust preventive control strategy in the Near East and Horn of Africa 2020 View URL Early warning, Emergency response, Management, Infestations English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2020
Desert locust standard survey/control form 2015 View URL Outbreaks, Survey English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2015
Desert locust surveillance and control programmatic environmental assessment 2020 View URL Monitoring, Environmental assessment, Management English Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia United States Agency for International Development 2020
Desert locust technical series History, Management English, French, Arabic Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Desert locust upsurge progress report on the response in the Greater Horn of Africa and Yemen 2020 View URL Locust outbreaks, Management, Report English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2020
Distribution of the desert locust in relation to herbage quality in the Red Sea coast of Sudan 2006 View URL Plant biology, Locusts, Behavior, Biology English Sudan Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region 2006
East Africa desert locust crisis fact sheets 2019, 2020, 2021 View URL Emergency response, Outbreaks English Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo United States Agency for International Development 2019, 2020, 2021
East Africa Hazards Watch Map View URL Map English Eastern Africa IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre
East Africa regional desert locust impact monitoring reports 2021 Locust outbreaks, Food security, Report English Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda The Food Security and Nutrition Working Group 2021
Ecological field studies on the population dynamics of the solitary desert locust 2004 View URL Locusts, Life cycle, Population dynamics, Nymphs, Nutrition, Monitoring, Growth English Sudan Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region 2004
Economic and policy issues in desert locust management 1997 View URL Locusts, International development, Early warning, Agriculture English Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1997
Eighteenth session 1992 View URL Forecasting, Early warning, Monitoring, Survey English Italy Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1992
eLocust3 digital tools View URL App English Asia, Africa FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
EMPRES CR progress report year 2000 2000 View URL Early warning, Monitoring, Survey, GPS, Forecasting English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2000
EMPRES CR progress report year 2001 2001 View URL Early warning, Survey, Management English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
EMPRES CR Progress Report year 2003 2003 View URL Survey, Locust outbreaks English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2003
EMPRES CR Progress Report year 2004 2004 View URL Locust outbreaks, Early warning English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2004
EMPRES CR Progress Report year 2005 2005 View URL Report English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2005
EMPRES-CR progress report 1999 1999 View URL Early warning, RAMSES, Monitoring, Pesticides, Biological control English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1999
EMPRES/CR progress report year 2002 2002 View URL Campaign organization, Early warning, Monitoring English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2002
Estimate the potential impact of DL resources (1) control an outbreak campaign View URL Chemical control, Report English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Estimate the potential impact of DL resources (2) control an upsurge Campaign View URL Chemical control, Spraying, Aerial control operations English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Estimate the potential impact of DL resources control a plague campaign spreadsheet View URL Worksheet, Early warning English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Evaluation of efficacy of neem and sadom apple products in the control if desert locust under laboratory conditions 1999 View URL Biological control, Infestations English Egypt Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 1999
Evaluation of four methods for monitoring the population of desert Locust 2014 View URL Survey, General locust education English, Arabic Sudan Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2014
Expert consultation and risk assessment on the importation and large-scale use of mycopesticides against locusts 2001 View URL Biopesticide, Biological control, Ecology, Infestations, Metarhizium acridum English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
FAO check list for general monitoring of desert locust control operations View URL Monitoring, Early warning English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO commission for controlling the desert locust in the central region fifty years fighting desert locust 2016 View URL International development, Community development, Environmental assessment, Decision making English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2016
FAO desert locust campaign organization & execution guidelines 2001 Campaign organization, Training manual English, French, Arabic Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
FAO desert locust control committee forty-second session 2023 View URL Biopesticide, Emergency response, Management English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2023
FAO desert locust guidelines appendixes 2001 Management, Training manual English, French, Arabic Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
FAO desert locust guidelines control 2001 Training manual, Environmental assessment, Chemical control English, French, Arabic, Somali, Spanish Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
FAO desert locust guidelines safety and environmental precautions 2001 Training manual, Environmental assessment, Safety guidelines English, French, Arabic Southern Asia, Western Asia 2001
FAO desert locust information and forecasting guidelines 2001 Forecasting, Training manual English, French, Arabic Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
FAO desert locust survey and control form View URL Survey English Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO desert locust survey and control form instructions View URL Survey English Commission for Controlling the Desert Locust in the Central Region, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO desert locust survey guidelines 2001 Survey, Training manual English, French, Arabic, Somali, Spanish Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2001
FAO dlocust resources View URL Robotics, Drones, Technology English Africa, Asia FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO eLocust3m information videos View URL App, Video English Southern Asia, Western Asia FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO emergencies and resilience View URL Emergency response English Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Emergency Centre for Locust Operations After Action Review 2005 2005 View URL After action review, Management English Africa, Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2005
FAO Infographic the 2020–2021 desert locust upsurge 2022 View URL Management English Eastern Africa Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2022
FAO locust Emergency prepaRedness Toolkit (eLERT) View URL
Agriculture, Biopesticide, Chemical control, Dosage, Emergency response, Information hub, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Management, Pesticide storage, Pesticides, Biological control, Mechanical control, PPE and cleaning, Spraying, Pesticide management, Public health, Advice, Outbreaks, Database
English Southern Asia, Western Asia
FAO Locust Hub View URL Distribution, Earth observation, Weather, Infographic, Information hub, Locust outbreaks, Locusts, Map, Monitoring, Soil science, Ecology, Outbreaks, Infestations English Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO locust response overview dashboard View URL English Southern Asia, Western Asia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Locust Watch Desert Locust View URL Forecasting, Information hub, Emergency alerts English, Arabic, French Southern Asia, Western Asia FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Multilateral evaluation of the 2003-05 Desert Locust campaign 2006 View URL Management English Eastern Africa Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2006
FAO RAMSES View URL Monitoring English Asia, Africa FAO Desert Locust Information Service, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FAO Role in the management of the desert locust crisis 2021 View URL Presentation English Africa, Asia FAO Locusts and Transboundary Plant Pests and Diseases, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2021


  1. Steedman A (1990) Locust handbook. Chatham: Natural Resources Institute.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Brader L, Djibo H, Faye FG, Ghaout S, Lazar M, Luzietoso PN (2006) Towards a More Effective Response to Desert Locusts and Their Impacts on Food Security, Livelihoods and Poverty. Multilateral Evaluation of the 2003–05 Desert Locust Campaign. Food and Agriculture Organisation, Rome.
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  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Ries MW, Adriaansen C, Aldobai S, Berry K, Bal AB, Catenaccio MC, Cigliano MM, Cullen DA, Deveson T, Diongue A, Foquet B, Hadrich J, Hunter D, Johnson DL, Pablo Karnatz J, Lange CE, Lawton D, Lazar M, Latchininsky AV, Lecoq M, Le Gall M, Lockwood J, Manneh B, Overson R, Peterson BF, Piou C, Poot-Pech MA, Robinson BE, Rogers SM, Song H, Springate S, Therville C, Trumper E, Waters C, Woller DA, Youngblood JP, Zhang L, Cease A (2024) Global perspectives and transdisciplinary opportunities for locust and grasshopper pest management and research. Journal of Orthoptera Research 33(2): 169–216. doi:10.3897/jor.33.112803.
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  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 COPR (1982) The Locust and Grasshopper Agricultural Manual. London: Overseas Pest Research. 690.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Cressman K (2016) Desert locust. Biological and Environmental Hazards, Risks, and Disasters. First Edition. 87–105. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-394847-2.00006-1
  8. Symmons PM and Cressman K (2001) Desert Locust Guidelines: Biology and Behavior. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Available from: (November 25, 2019)
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  10. Hamilton A, (1953) Parthenogenesis for Four Generations in the Desert Locust (Schistocerca gregaria Forsk) (Acridae). Nature 172: 1153–1154.
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  12. Magor JI, Lecoq M, Hunter DM (2008) Preventive control and Desert Locust plagues. Crop Protection 27: 1527–1533. doi: 10.1016/j.cropro.2008.08.006
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  14. Roffey J and Popov G (1968) Environmental and behavioural processes in a desert locust outbreak. Nature 219: 446. doi:10.1038/219446a0
  15. FAO (2021) Desert locust upsurge – Progress report on the response in the Greater Horn of Africa and Yemen (January-Aril 2021). Rome.
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 FAO Locust Watch “Desert Locust Upsurge in 2019–2021.” FAO Site, Accessed 7/14/21.
  17. FAO Locust Watch “Decline of the 2019–2021 upsurge.” FAO Site, Accessed 7/16/21.
  18. FAO Desert Locust Bulletin “General situation during April 2021 Forecast until mid-June 2021 (3 May 2021) 511: 1-10.
  19. FAO Desert Locust Bulletin “General situation during June 2021 Forecast until mid-August 2021 (3 May 2021)" 513: 1-9.
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  21. FAO (2022) Real-time evaluation of FAO’s response to the desert locust upsurge 2020–2021 – Phase III. Programme Evaluation Series, 04/2022. Rome.
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