Wim C. Mullié

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Wim C. Mullié
Organizations:African Aquatic Conservation Fund
Titles:scientific advisor
Focal areas:Biological Control, Biology, Early Warning, Ecology, Ecosystem Services, Environmental Science, Geographic Information System (GIS), Integrated Pest Management, Monitoring, Pesticides, Remote Sensing, Toxicology
Focal species:Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria), Senegalese grasshopper (Oedaleus senegalensis)


Wim C. Mullié worked as a researcher in environmental toxicology for FAO from 1989 to 2007, studying the side-effects of chemical and biological acridid control in Western, Central, and Northern Africa. Since 2007, he has mainly worked on biological control with Metarhizium acridum as a private consultant. He recently completed a PhD thesis on the impact of chemical and biological locust and grasshopper control on birds.