South American Acridia management dashboard

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South American Acridia management dashboard
Author:The National Food Safety and Quality Service
Source link:View
Category:Situation bulletin
Species purview
South American locust (Schistocerca cancellata), Tucura sapo (Bufonacris claraziana), Violet-winged grasshopper (Tropidacris collaris), Dichroplus elongatus, Staurorhectus longicornis, Pasture grasshopper (Orphulella speciosa), Allotruxalis gracilis, Bird grasshopper (Schistocerca pallens), Rhammatocerus brunneri, Rhammatocerus pictus, Giant red-winged grasshopper (Tropidacris cristata), Dichroplus maculipennis, Dichroplus porteri, Dichroplus vittigerum, Langosta de Combarbalá (Elasmoderus wagenknechti), Peruvian locust (Schistocerca interrita), Central American locust (Schistocerca piceifrons), Baeacris pseudopunctulata, Dichroplus pratensis
Geographic purview
Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia

Source author(s)

The National Food Safety and Quality Service

Resource description

dashboard with information on locust and grasshopper monitoring and control, although some data from neighbouring countries can also be displayed. This information is publicly accessible and is under permanent revision and improvement, so any comments and feedback from the experts of this network will be very important for us.

Resource links

Link to resource