Explore by geography
HopperWiki organizes its content using the United Nations geoscheme for clarity and ease of discovery. The scheme consists of four hierarchical levels: continental regions, geographical subregions, intermediate regions, and countries. Were feasible, HopperWiki editors are actively adding and curating a 5th level of the scheme, administrative unit, referring to states/provinces/areas within countries. As an enhancement to this formal geographic scheme, less official regions have also been added that are of particularly importance to orthopteran ecology and management (e.g. the Sahel region). Importantly, all of these classification systems are employed in HopperWiki solely for organizational convenience and do not imply any geopolitical stance or endorsement of particular territorial boundaries. Use the buttons below to navigate through the wiki's content as it pertains to geography. If you notice omissions in geographically-pertinent resources or organizations that would benefit the orthopteran community, we would love to hear from you!