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HopperWiki is now open to the public in it's early stages. Please help us by exploring the site and reaching out to us if you have corrections, comments, or information you'd like to provide for the public good! Note that many of the pages are still under construction.

What is HopperWiki?
HopperWiki is an early-stage project designed to serve as a global repository of information for all Orthoptera. The project, led by the Global Locust Initiative at Arizona State University, brings together experts from diverse fields to create original content and facilitate access to the wealth of existing resources on the world’s ~30,000 described species of orthopteran insects. In addition to species profiles which are built on the foundational taxonomic database of the Orthoptera Species File, HopperWiki aims to enhance the accessibility of researchers and organizations working on Orthoptera. A key focus is compiling resources that address the complex challenges of sustainably managing locusts and pest grasshoppers, which have significant impacts on human livelihoods and the environment. Learn more about HopperWiki.
Featured person: Koutaro Ould Maeno
Koutaro Ould Maeno, a senior researcher at Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS), specializes in natural history and integrated pest management, particularly focusing on the ecology and management of insect pests, including locusts. His book, detailing his extensive experience in desert locust field research has won several awards and sold over 200,000 copies in Japan. It is currently translated in Japanese, Korean, and Chinese with an English translation is forthcoming.
Featured resource
This resource showcases the daily development of Schistocerca nymphs. This work, led by Maeva Techer and Brandon Woo from the Song Lab, is part of an ongoing project to develop standard methods for rearing and dissecting Schistocerca tissues for molecular studies. Click here to see more identification resources
Featured species
Photo by Larena Woodmore (used with permission)
The Australian plague locust (Chortoicetes terminifera) is widespread on the mainland of Australia. Its frequent outbreaks and ability to produce several generations in a year make it a notorious pest species. Ecologically, C. terminifera primarily inhabits grasslands and semi-arid regions. They are polyphagous, feeding on a variety of grasses and crops, which often leads to significant agricultural damage during swarm outbreaks. Management of C. terminifera involves monitoring and forecasting to predict outbreaks, combined with targeted control measures. The Australian Plague Locust Commission (APLC) plays a key role in management through surveillance and chemical control methods. However, chemical control is balanced with environmental considerations, including the potential impacts on non-target species and ecosystems. See the Australian Plague Locust Commission for more extensive information on the Australian plague locust. Click here for more details.
Landscape of research and management (click to explore)
Representation of the locust social-ecological-technical system (SETS). Click the symbols inside one of the circles to explore the theme.Management and technologyGovernanceArts and humanitiesSocial sciencesNatural sciences
Representation of the locust social-ecological-technical system (SETS). Click the symbols inside one of the circles to explore the theme.
Learn more about HopperWiki
HopperWiki was developed by the Global Locust Initiative